Scientists have discovered that hurricanes are more severe under warmer weather and high-CO2 conditions than under normal day conditions which mean global warming increases the number of hurricanes. Worldwide, the amount of hurricanes reaching categories 4-5 with wind speeds above 56 m/s – has risen from 20% in the 1970s to 35% in the 1990s
Evaporation will increase because of warmer oceans. This will cause heavier rainfall
Rise in sea level
With the increase in global temperature, the water in the oceans will expand in volume and this is happening to the
Glacier retreat
Glacier retreat has become increasingly rapid and comprised so much that it has threatened the existence of many of the animals and people who live there. This process has increased and become clear since 1995.
Some people think that global warming is good for agriculture because the weather will be warmer therefore a longer growing season will produce more fruit and that plants breath CO2 as we breath oxygen but others say that when it becomes warmer this will increase the evaporation of water which increase the amount of rain that will evaporate fast as well as the water in the soil which will make the plants weak so that any storm that will come will take it off the soil and makes the land unqualified for plants or any creature to lives in.
Fish stocks
The growth of fish near the water surface will increase because of rise in water temperatures, but it will decrease the fish at the bottom because of the fall of water temperatures there. Also the fish will have to move to other places so that they can live, which will make it harder for people to catch fish and economics will drop unless global warming pollution is reduced
The insurance industry is very directly affected by the risks because of the increase in the number of natural disasters that has trebled since the 1960s.
Roads, airport runways, railway lines and pipelines, may need an increase in repairing and rebuilding as they become more affected by the increase changes in the temperature.
The people who live at or near the sea level will with time lose their homes so they will need to migrate to another country and this will raise the population and cause lots of problems
The high temperatures will increase the number of people who die. For example; people with heart problems are at risk because their body system must work harder to keep the body cool during hot weather, heat exhaustion and breath problems will increase. Higher air temperature also increases the concentration of ozone at ground level which is a harmful pollutant. It damages lung and causes problems for people with asthma.
Global warming is expected to extend the infectious disease such as dengue fever and malaria
nice article i belive that people should know more about what could happen next.
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